18 مارس, 2025

الخميس، 8 فبراير 2018

الرئيسية حمل المتصفح السريع Puffin Browser Pro النسخة المدفوعة مجانا

حمل المتصفح السريع Puffin Browser Pro النسخة المدفوعة مجانا

Puffin Browser Pro

Puffin Web Browser is a wicked fast Mobile Flash Browser. Once users experience the thrill of using Puffin, regular Mobile Internet just feels like torture. Wicked Fast: Puffin speeds up mobile browsing by shifting the workload from the resource-limited devices to the cloud servers, and resource-demanding webpages can run super-fast on your phones or tablets. Cloud Protection: All traffic from Puffin app to Puffin server are encrypted, a protection from nearby hackers. It’s safe to use public non-secure WiFi through Puffin, but not safe at all for most browsers. The Latest Flash: We keep improving our cloud servers, and provide the latest version (16.0) of the Flash player over the cloud. Save your bandwidth: Puffin uses proprietary compression algorithm to transmit web data to your device, and it can save up to 90% of your bandwidth on regular web browsing. (Please be noted that streaming Flash content or videos requires more bandwidth than the normal usage.)

النسخة : v7.0.6.18027

تحميل التطبيق : Puffin Browser Pro

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